Dramatic Portraits

Helping you to create a memory

Imagine a photo of yourself that you’re proud to show to others, proud to hang it large (really large!) on your wall, proud to have as your profile pic on social media. An image that your friends go “wow” over and ask how you did it and where you did it. They want to know more about it. You’ll be able to show your children and let them wonder how you did it. 

Think of yourself projecting confidence, respect, empowerment mixed with beauty, glamour or allure. Or maybe mixing with friendliness, gravitas, reliability.

The dramatic element is the combination of you with exquisite lighting, clothing and hair appropriate to the look we’re aiming for, makeup that suits the mood, a background that contrasts with or complements you, but aligns with who you are and the image of you that you want to convey.

Each of these shoots is bespoke. They can be taken in a studio or on location; can be formal, engaging or quirky; cold or warm. We can discuss all these elements before we book the engagement.

Depending on what we agree on, we can figure out the complexity of the shoot and the responsibilities on all parties, eg who’s choosing the outfit and bringing it to the shoot, what make-up will we use, etc?

Set aside a minimum of 2 hours for the shoot. That will allow time for us to get used to each and review our progress along the way. It may require more time if there’s complex hair and makeup or set assembling required. We’ll discuss this before the shoot.

But the biggest question, what story do you want to tell?

Gallery of Sample Dramatic Portraits