Author: Alan

  • June 2024 Update: New, darker themes planned for the Summer

    June 2024 Update: New, darker themes planned for the Summer

    I’ve been in the studio regularly from February to June with a consistent set of mood-boards to get the conversations started. That’s prompted a lot of sessions, including preparation, the shoots themselves and the follow-ups. It’s given me chance to explore a few styles, themes and some techniques that I was curious about. Now’s the…

  • April 2024 update

    April 2024 update

    It’s been an interesting few months. I didn’t shoot much from September 2023 through to January 2024. I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to shoot. Normally my way out of this is to set some themes and go and experiment. I work on the principle that being out there and being active doing something…

  • July 2023 update

    July 2023 update

    Photography is slowing down as I’m busy with my consulting client and also managing free time for planning, building/sourcing and editing. It’s usually better weather for shooting out in the hills, but has been pretty wet recently. I don’t mind rain, but it’s not fair on a model unless we’ve agreed to go a moody,…

  • May 2023

    May 2023

    It’s been a busy time recently. While I’ve settled on sharp, large print creative photography and creative portraits as being the main focus for Silk Hat Studio, I’ve been exploring other styles. This was partly to understand the limitations of other techniques. partly to knock a few items off the ever-growing projects list and partly…

  • November 2022 – An update in Sheffield; medusa, dancer, influencer and retrowave

    November 2022 – An update in Sheffield; medusa, dancer, influencer and retrowave

    This has been a quiet month with 4 shoots so far and one workshop to come. All the shoots this month have occurred in Sheffield. Much of them have taken place in the Zavod Studio in Sheffield City Centre and one on location out near the Peak District. Gorgon and the Stones The first this…

  • October 2022

    October 2022

    It’s been a full 12 months. …not since I started. I first picked up a camera somewhere around age 7. An old Halina 110. Awful but fun and gave me the bug. I remember it had a normal and telephoto option and advancing to the next frame was a pull-out, push-in manoeuvre. From that, I…

  • 2022 Update

    2022 Update

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted here. Mainly because I’ve been focussing on photography itself, amidst moving house and town/city, rather than keeping the website up-to-date. That’s changing. I’ll be catching-up with publishing some of the session images here over the next few weeks. In parallel, I’m planning a number of shoots with a…

  • Film Noir Project

    Film Noir Project

    First set of images of a story inspired by film noir stereotypes.

  • Definition of Artisan

    I’ve been to a few artisan markets recently and wondered how many of the stall-holders would be suitable for the Artisans of Great Britain photography project I’m working on. So I’ve put 4 slides together to attempt to highlight the differences and the focus. I say “attempt” because it’s not a clear line. I’m not…

  • Haworth Steampunk Weekend October 2019

    Haworth Steampunk Weekend October 2019

    I spent a fair amount of time this last weekend at the Haworth Steampunk Weekend in Yorkshire, England. There are 2 albums from that event on Silk Hat Studio’s Facebook page. There will be a few other images that didn’t make it into the albums on the Instagram page. Haworth Steampunk Weekend Album 1 Haworth…